The Songs of England
Songbook mit Noten (Grundmelodie, Klavier, Gitarrenakkorde), Texten und Abbildungen. 56 Seiten, Broschüre DIN A5. 26 Folksongs
INHALT: * Hares on the Mountain * Man Water * My Boy Willie * When Cockleshells Turn Silverbells (O Waly, Waly) * The Banks of the Sweet Primroses * I ´m Seventeen Come Sunday * Greensleeves * The Trees Axt Getting High * On Ilkla Moor Baht `at * O Waly, Waly (The Water is wide) * Weel May the Keel Row * The Three Ravens * Early One Morning * O No, John ! * A May Day Carol * The Oak and the Ash * Lavender ´s Blue * Blow the Wind Southerly * The Cherry Tree Carol * The Green Bushes * Over the Mountains * Gently, Johnny, My Jingalo * Two Maidens Went Milking One day * Cock Robin * Died for Love * Buttercup Joe *